Lancaster, C., Manhart, A. and Pichaud, F. Coordinating
basal surface contraction and cell elongation enables
thickening of a curved epithelium - submitted
Leech, V., Dalwadi, M. P., & Manhart, A. A
dynamical analysis of the alignment mechanism between two
interacting cells. Accepted by Bulletin of Math Bio, link
to bioRxiv
V. Leech, F.N. Kenny, S. Marcotti, T.J. Shaw, B.M. Stramer
& A. Manhart. Derivation
and simulation of a computational model of active cell
populations: How overlap avoidance, deformability, cell-cell
junctions and cytoskeletal forces affect alignment. PLoS
Computational Biology 20.7 (2024): e1011879
F.N. Kenny et al. Autocrine
IL-6 drives cell and extracellular matrix anisotropy in scar
fibroblasts. Matrix Biology 123 (2023): 1-16
P. Degond, A. Manhart, S. Merino-Aceituno, D. Peurichard
& L. Sala. How environment
affects active particle swarms: a case study. Royal
Society Open Science, 9(12), 220791 (2022)
B.D. Karkaria, A. Manhart, A.J.H. Fedorec, C.P. Barnes, Chaos in small microbial communities.
PLoS Computational Biology 18 (10) e1010548
S. Hittmeir, L. Kanzler, A. Manhart and C. Schmeiser,Kinetic
modelling of colonies of myxobacteria. Kinetic and
Related Models (2021) 14(1):1-24 - link
to arXiv
Windner, A. Manhart, A. Brown, A.
Mogilner and M.
Baylies, Nuclear scaling is
coordinated among individual nuclei in multinucleated muscle
fibers. Dev Cell (2019) 49(1), 48-62
B. Hartl, I. Zeller, A. Manhart, B. Selitsch, C. Lass-Flörl and B. Willinger A
retrospective assessment of four antigen assays for the detection of invasive candidiasis among high risk hospitalized patients. Mycopathologia (2018), 183(3):513-519